Friday, September 27, 2013

Answering the question about competitiveness

We'll be the first to admit during Intramurals, or Stepsing and yes, even recruitment, that the blood pressure goes up just a bit and the need to "win" becomes just a step more intense than it usually does during the course of the regular year.

One of the things that we share regularly with people though is that our students build friendships and camaraderie across chapter lines..

That's why when we saw this scene play out during the recent recruitment season (as we almost ran them down in a golf cart) we thought it was worth saving to illustrate that even during one of the most competitive times, friends across chapter lines matter.. Left to right, ADPi, Chi Omega and ZTA buttons on those backpacks!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Opening of school 13-14

Good morning everyone,
As we start a new academic year we are poised for some very big things. the Interfraternity Council fraternities and the Panhellenic sororities are currently on a record registration pace, the community is a buzz with the talk of Alpha Tau Omega coming to campus later this fall and in the spring, the NPHC community is as active as it has been in it's brief 3 year history, and the list goes on.

With that in mind, we want to use the blog to call your attention more to what is going on, and the good things are chapters are doing to support the community. Our first "highlight" of the year goes to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc and their work with Jessie's Place, read below and the pictures also highlight some of what they did.


The Sigma Eta chapter participated in statewide community service projected sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.   The state leadership team challenged all chapters in Alabama to develop a service project to participate in on August 31, 2013.

Under the direction of President Veronica Duarte, the chapter created toiletry bags for residence of Jessie's Place. Jessie's Place is a 24 hour residential haven providing safe and supportive shelter for homeless hurting women and children seeking shelter while preparing to reach self sufficiency.

Along with the chapter president, members of the chapter Kyndall Moorman-Key, Melanie Pippen, Melody Martinez and chapter advisor Dr. Denise J. Gregory purchased personal items for 30 residents at the facility. Individual bags for the residents were prepared and  included towels, combs, soap, wipes, water, snacks, and razors.

With school just beginning this week, the Sigma Eta chapter has hit the ground running with providing service to others as their first event for the semester.